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Who Are We

Frequency of Light is a wife and husband team who feel they have known each other since the beginning of time. 

Clare and Malakai both have a deep passion about the overall wellbeing of our community - adults and children; physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, along with having a deep Spiritual connection and respect for our Mother Earth and all things that walk upon her.

Clare and Malakai have relocated to the South-West creating ‘Frequency of Light Holistic Hub’ where they welcome you to manifest your own wellness!  They believe given the right environment your body naturally wants to heal itself - no one heals you but you. Clare knows this story only too well, with her own unique healing journey.


Frequency of Light is a Hub where anyone can manifest their own wellness, it's a safe place where everyone will be heard, felt loved and supported while experiencing their own individual wellness journey. 

They feel extremely blessed to be able to offer the Energy Enhancement System, Pulse Electromagnetic Field Therapy, Ancient Sound Therapy, Intuitive Massage & Reiki/Energy Balancing to the South-West of Western Australia. Like everyone, they both have a story with their own unique wellness/healing journey and now feeling blessed to be able to offer the support and services to others.


Clare and Malakai developed their own unique individual skillsets along the way and offer one-on-one and group sessions individually and as a team.

Clare is a Reiki Master who has been practicing the art of Usui Reiki for over 3 decades. She now specialises in holistic health and wellbeing of adults and children.   
Clare facilitates and trains in the modalities of Reiki, Ancient Sounds and Mindful Meditation for adults and children of all ages. 

Malakai is experienced in facilitating Energy Balancing, Ancient Sounds and Intuitive Massage.  He is passionate about assisting individuals on their path to wellness and also has a deep interest in our native wildlife. 


About 6 years ago, they joined forces and came together to play their own unique Ancient Sound Rhythm, along with combining various modalities to suit their clients needs.

Bill is the Frequency of Light ‘Therapy / Emotional Support Dog’ who has a wellness story of his own.  We are super blessed he is still here with us and still going strong at the age of 13 years of age - that would be 90 in human years!  So he has a lot of wisdom and has his own talents and gifts to share.  Giving unconditional love and comfort to anyone that crosses his path.  He is also known as ‘Mr Fluffy Pants’…. He loves a pat and can’t wait to greet you!

Clare and Malakai both feel honoured and blessed to live the life they love, while experiencing the contrast that life throws their way. They are both committed to their own healing journey, while focusing on raising their own individual vibration, assisting individuals of all ages to do the same. Sharing their gifts in service with gratitude and love!


Clare, Malakai & Bill look forward to welcoming you into the Hub and supporting you to embrace your journey to wellness xox

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