About the pro·m·emo essences
Pro·m·emo, Process My Emotions Essences ~ was founded by Julie Richardson from Victoria, Australia, who is a scientist, doctor of Chinese medicine and healer, who created the essences base on the 5-element theory, synergistically incorporating Chinese herbal medicine, Western herbal medicine (naturopathy), Bach flower essences, bio-energetic. Medicine and homeopathic medicine, in one product to support the release of any emotion.
a strong feeling deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.
Whilst the word ’emotion’ can be defined, there are so many feelings that are difficult to name, let alone process when in the moment. When stuck in an emotion, clarity and acting rationally are challenging. Moments missed, decisions unclear, overwhelm and stress arise. Our solution – the 6 pro·m·emo essences. An essence for every primary emotion (according to the ancient philosophies from traditional Chinese medicine [TCM]).
The primary emotions according to TCM:
Natural remedies for your emotional health and wellness
Pro·m·emo, are drop dose essences to support you to process your emotions, when experiencing emotional disturbances either mild or severe. The pro·m·emo essence range may assist with mood, as well as processing feelings such as fear, love, sadness, grief, melancholy, emotional stress, terror, worry, loneliness, manic excitement or any emotion. The essences do not stop you from feeling your emotions, they rather assist you to let go and move on quickly and smoothly, so that you do not need to sit in an emotional state too long or feel out of balance due to any excessive emotions that may be interrupting the flow and harmony of your day. All disease has an emotional component and when any emotion become ‘stuck’ or stagnant in the body, they may manifest physically. The essences are truly preventative in this way, by processing your emotions and clearing them, you may restore flow and balance to your being.
Your health is maintained because your body is not subjected to the emotional extremes that people can feel, and life becomes a journey of calmness and inner peace, where emotions are felt, processed immediately, naturally and with no effort. The benefits of living an emotionally free and non-reactive life are too vast to list. pro·m·emo can support your emotional health and wellness.
Each essence is appertaining to the Five Elements from ancient Chinese medicines Five Element Theory and encourages balance within the elements;
to restore harmony & balance to your BodyMind!
Are you ready to live with less stress, limitation and fear?
Discover pro•m•emo for yourself.
Everything you need to improve your state of mind and optimise your emotional health and wellness.
Let go of your emotions as they arise; instead of burying deep down resulting in emotional blockages and stagnation. Let them flow, feel in harmony, allow yourself to feel and then simply move on. Stop holding onto anger towards that special someone, don’t let your fears stop you from living your dreams, don’t let worry eat you up inside, don’t let grief stop you from seeing the positives of what you still have and don’t let sadness takes its toll on your heart. Provide your BodyMind with subtle and powerful energy medicine essences to allow you to live your life in emotional flow.
1 x pro•m•emo Calm essence 20ml
1 x pro•m•emo Harmony essence 20ml
1 x pro•m•emo Carefree essence 20ml
1 x pro•m•emo Relief essence 20ml
1 x pro•m•emo Love essence 20ml
1 x pro•m•emo Peace essence 20ml
Enjoy feelings of Peace, Calm, Harmony, Carefree, Relief and Love.